"Truth is: I am Viking Man Man!"
Dr. Dirk H. Steinforth
'I don't like to work about the Vikings – we already know everything about them...', a fellow student complained to me many years ago, when I began my research into the Vikings in the Isle of Man. The deeper I dug into my subject, however, the more I felt confirmed in my view that he was wrong. Now, after having taken my M.A. and PhD in archaeology from Göttingen University, Germany, I am more than ever fascinated by the Vikings in Man and the potential they offer to undertake microstudies on questions of Viking-Age migration and chronology, but also by the Scandinavians elsewhere, their trade and exchange, interethnic contact, (supra)regional networking, and ethnogenesis, as well as settlement, art history, iconography and burial custom in times of religious change. There still are many questions about the Vikings to be answered, evidence to be reconsidered, mysteries to be explored!
At the moment, I am working as an Independent Researcher on several topics of the Vikings in the Irish Sea and in Britain, presenting my work at international conferences and in publications, as well as a lector and translator of scholarly texts (German, English).
Contact via Academia or find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Xing
Tags: Archäologie; Archaeology; Balladoole; Besiedlung; Boat-grave; Bootgrab; Britain; Britannien; Burial Custom; Celts; Cronk ny Merriu; Geschichte; Grabsitte; History; Iconography; Ikonographie; Irish Sea; Isle of Man; Keeills; Kelten; Kirk Andreas; Kreuzsteine; Landnahme; Manx Crosses; Middle Ages; Mittelalter; Promontory Forts; Settlement; St. Patrick's Isle; Viking Age; Vikings; Wikinger
InkAnt Arts, 2025
Texts and Photographs: © Dirk H. Steinforth, Göttingen
Photos taken on MNH sites reproduced by courtesy of Manx National Heritage, Douglas:
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